We are seeking legal firms to conclude fraud investigation cases
IYE Global works at the forefront of global financial crime.
We are seeking partnerships with legal firms across jurisdictions to assist in the recovery of client funds.
Industry leading investigation firms and blockchain analysis companies use our proprietary investigation resource, Cobra AI, to swiftly identify scammers and their linked bank and cryptocurrency accounts.
Crime analysis
Using Cobra AI to aggregate data from multiple sources, experienced analysts interpret invaluable intelligence relating to a crime, including a targets known locations, background, associates, digital footprint, links to, or involvement in a specific crime. Such intelligence frequently defines the schematics of cases and can be pivotal to both legal process and forward operational planning by law enforcement agencies.
Crime data is aggregated into comprehensive evidence-based crime files, allowing legal entities to issue temporary freezing orders on accounts identified as holding client funds, ahead of actioning international freezing orders and full recovery procedures.
Crime files, which often include perpetrator locations, assist law enforcement agencies in making arrests.
Evidence-based crime files for legal firms
Evidence-based crime files include
- Schematic overview of how a crime happened
- Identification of perpetrator(s) including mules
- Bank accounts associated with the perpetrator(s)
- Cryptocurrency exchange or wallet accounts associated with the perpetrator(s)
- Where possible, confirmation of whether funds still exist in digital wallets, or have been dispersed into bank accounts plus confirmation of banks holding client funds
- Proof of criminality (1) justification for issuing freezing orders, (2) prove culpability of banks or financial institutions who aided the transfer of funds to a crime to support a claim for restitution of funds
- Additional intelligence relating to the crime committed – links to wider criminal activities, etc
- Information to assist law enforcement agencies with forward operational planning
Using the evidence noted above, we require the assistance of legal entities across jurisdictions to action recovery procedures.
Typical cases: cryptocurrency scams, romance fraud, online trading and investment scams, and Ponzi schemes.
Client losses range between £150k to £10m+.
Information for legal firms
For information and to discuss partnering with IYE Global, please contact james.rees@iyeglobal.com