Entries by IYE Global

How a Ponzi scheme works

At IYE Global we investigate a number of potential investments that would fall into the realm of a Ponzi scheme. In all cases, we report our findings to the relevant lawful authorities for criminal investigation and prosecution but what exactly is a Ponzi scheme and how do these schemes work?

Another £14.5 million PONZI

Another day, another PONZI scheme Freddy David the Managing Director of the now-defunct HBFS Wealth Management swindled his clients out of £14.5 million to fund his gambling addiction, as well as paying for his children’s school fees and exotic family holidays. Freddy a financial adviser took the money from 55 people, many of whom were […]

Ronaldo – Tax Case

The recent Ronaldo tax case is a very interesting study. There is no question Ronaldo was acting on the advice of his professional advisors, yet he, not his advisors is the one left with a criminal conviction, a two-year suspended jail sentence and a payment for €18.9 million (£16.8 million) to settle his tax fraud […]

Contract Fraud

IYE Global’s legal team is based in Monaco. They have considerable experience of English and EU commercial law. A recent IYE Global case involved a UK transport company being contacted by a company from the USA. They claimed they were looking to expand their operation from the USA into the UK and EU and were […]

When is a website not a website?

When it’s a clone One of our clients recently asked us to investigate an investment they were considering. Within moments we knew something was wrong as the website our client had first looked at for the ‘offer’ looked wrong. A little digging later and we realised there were literally thousands of similarly cloned websites.

Bad Brokers or Advisers

The Wall Street Journal published an article in May about a financial adviser in Beverly Hills, California named Ray Kay who had promoted via Radio advertising a supposedly high-yield, low-risk investment. Unfortunately, the company behind the investment is now in bankruptcy and is being investigated as a Ponzi Scheme. Mr Kay himself, it turns out, […]

The Ponzi Scheme

Background on Ponzi Schemes Ponzi schemes can be complex, even when they operate on a relatively small scale. They can be run by a single person or group & to keep the scam going, those behind the plan convince numerous victims that they’re investing in a legitimate fund that promises great returns. Then the scam […]

Boiler Room Scams

Despite success by the Financial Conduct Authority and Police in prosecuting Boiler room operations, the fact that such easy money can be made from these criminal acts means this type of scam is on the increase. The scams work by presenting clients with shares or bonds, which are in fact worthless. The initial approach can […]

Secret Investment Clubs

The curse of the ‘secret investment’ clubs The IYE Global Investigators are highly experienced and long in the tooth. There’s not much in a lifetime of investigating criminal fraud that they haven’t come across. A perennial theme and one that causes untold hardship for its victims and their families are the con artists favourite, the […]

Jail Time

Jail Time At IYE Global we always tell our clients that in any investigation we undertake, wherever and whenever we find evidence of criminality it is immediately reported to the relevant lawful authorities. One of our most recent cases resulted in arrests being made in both South and North America. In both cases, the individuals […]